Red Alert in Google Adsense Account - If you see this red alert in your account it means that you haven't yet completed the second step of the approval process that's necessary to show ads using AdSense for content.

Red Alert in Google Adsense Account

If you only want to use other products like YouTube monetization, AdSense for games or AdSense for search, you can disregard this alert.

Red Alert in Google Adsense Account

If you'd like to get approved for AdSense for content ads, then you need to implement the ad code on a page that receives traffic and has content. Until you pass the second review step, your ad units will remain blank.

As soon as our systems detect impressions on the blank ad units, the review will automatically continue. After that, it typically takes 2 to 3 days until we send you an email to tell you whether you've been approved. If you are approved, ads will automatically start showing up in your ad units. If you installed the ad code on a page that has visitors but still haven’t heard from us after a few days, please check if you have installed the code correctly.

Your Adsense for content application is still under review. You will only see blank ads until your account has been fully approved or disapporved. Learn more.

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